Specialty Coffee Roasters
We source green coffee and roast it here in Bloomsburg, PA!
Our goal is to highlight the best flavor characteristics coffee has. Whether that be a lighter style roast with bright acidity and fruity undertones or a medium style roast with natural sweetness and smooth aftertaste. We take precision in how we profile the green coffee that is sourced.
Our focus is on sourcing higher quality green coffee. This allows us to work with a wider range of sensory characteristics and cater it exactly how you like it!
Trust us, higher quality coffee tastes good! If it's burnt to a crisp, you'd never tell the difference. Better coffee is smooth, sweet, and balanced.
Photo by Ben Vogel

Interested In Wholesale?
Reach out to us! We know what it's like to run a cafe and you shouldn't trust anyone else to help you provide for yours.
Need recipes? You can have them!
We would love to help you and your business with your coffee needs!
Photo by Ben Vogel

Brief History
"Bellus" comes from Latin roots meaning "beautiful" or "to do". It is our firm belief that we are not meant to sit idle but to act with faith to be a part of something beautiful.
As taking action is an excellent principle to live by, there is a difference between taking action and taking effective action. Don't just do things to do things but do things that end in a fulfilled purpose. This applies to our approach to coffee. We love to utilize technology to make precise measurements for optimal outcomes. Finding, roasting, and making coffee seems to be simple, however, we appreciate the overall dedication the field of specialty coffee has to show us differently.
Specialty coffee is driven by scientific methodology. Brewing coffee involves precision so the flavor can be enhanced and highlighted. The same is said for roasting. With precise measurement and modern technology, properly testing and designing "heat curves" is essential for making coffee taste good.
The farmers we source from take extra precaution, time, and care of the green coffee so we can then do the same through roasting. The trifecta of farming to roasting to brewing is quintessential for a great coffee experience.